FlowSong was written and illustrated by A.C. Hart.
FlowSong was written and illustrated by A.C. Hart.
M.M.M. (Magical Maverick Mastermind)
What did you want to be when you were a kid?
A Disney animator. I watched a documentary when I was six that said all the animators were male. No girls allowed. I sadly decided I would have to do something else. I spent most of my life trying until I gave up on not being myself and just started drawing cartoons.
Who had a big influence on your creativity?
My mom. She used to hide my coloring books. She thought they were ruining my imagination and wanted me to draw my own pictures to color.
What is YOUR Heart-Compass pointing to?
The infinite variety of creative expression. That was what I loved most as a child and it’s what I love most still. Everyone has something like that. Something they valued as a kid that will be the same no matter what age they are. If FlowSong could help a single person know their deepest love and express it fully, my work will have fulfilled its purpose.
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D.Z.A. (Duke of Zesty Amusement)
What did you want to be when you were a kid?
I wanted to be a blend of Bugs Bunny, Superman, & James Bond. Bugs Bunny because he was so smart, Superman because he could fly, and James Bond because he was so…cool.
Who had a big influence on your creativity?
My mother always encouraged me to do what I love and to express my creativity in all areas of my life. Whether it was learning to play instruments or painting, she was always right there cheering me on, celebrating my unique creative expression.
What is YOUR Heart-Compass pointing to?
My absolute passion is helping people find a way to do what they love as their career. We spend so much of our lives working, why not spend that time doing something we truly enjoy? Much of modern society tries to convince us that we can’t make a good living while having fun and fulfilling our dreams. Helping people break free of this limiting belief, by supporting them to create the career they love and get paid extremely well for it…this is what I am here to do.
C.E.O. (Canine Enrichment Operative)
What did you want to be when you were a kid?
C.E.O. I knew even then it was my destiny to be more than an adorable little thing being carried around in a tiny purse.
Who had a big influence on your creativity?
A.C. Hart and Eli. They have hands and a job. All I have is my brains. I had to figure out how to get what I wanted without the benefit of a car, speaking English, or substantial size. I got really skillful at using my powers for the benefit of, not only myself, but the other dogs. I can make A.C. walk us and feed us, and also convinced Eli to let us in the bed. Sometimes.
What is YOUR Heart-Compass pointing to?
I think it’s important for the world to know that just because someone has a little body doesn't mean they are less. All beings should be treated with love and respect. Most people think I'm a cute little doggie. They don't always see my courage and brains. Oh. And, Wilbur. My Heart-Compass points to Wilbur. He's the love of my life.
C.M.O (Charismatic Musical Omphalos)
What did you want to be when you were a kid?
I just wanted to get out of the pound. Dog jail is a sad place when you are a pup.
Who had a big influence on your creativity?
Bailey. She was Jojo's elderly companion and left the world shortly after A.C. Hart got me out of the pound. She was pretty much silent and never even barked. After she passed away I realized that life is short (especially for doggies!) and if I had something to get off my chest, I needed to sing it out NOW. She really inspired me to go for it.
What is YOUR Heart-Compass pointing to?
Singing. Nothing makes me happier than a good howl session with my pack. I'd like to help everyone have the courage to really open up their voice. Its remarkable how relaxed and happy you can feel after a good howl!
C.F.O. (Cheerleader of Fitness Opportunities)
What did you want to be when you were a kid?
I wanted to be a running back for the Cleveland Bulldogs. I used to pretend I was David Palmer.
Who had a big influence on your creativity?
I once saw Eli and his cousin playing pool. It blew my mind. I never knew a ball could move in all those ways. It really improved my game. I got much better at calculating trajectories and velocity. Ball is really a physics thing. Most people don't think dogs can do physics. It’s basically like doing differential equations with a fuzzy green orb whizzing around at high speeds.
What is YOUR Heart-Compass pointing to?
Throw the ball. Throw the ball. Throw the ball. Throw the ball. Throw the ball. Throw the ball. Throw the ball. Throwtheball. Throw the ball. Pllllllleeeeeeeeeeeeease throw the ball! Throw the ball. Throwtheballthrowtheballthrowtheball. Throw the ball. THROW. THE. BALL!