Read About us on Uplift Connect!
Hey FlowSong Fans! You can now read about FlowSong on Uplift Connect!
Here’s a little taste of the article:
“Musicality and Harmony Give Children Wings”
“… today’s children are growing up in a world where they spend a huge amount of time typing and communicating via technology. “The more time they spend behind the screen, the less time they spend communicating face-to-face, developing the abilities that allow them to express themselves, and to listen to others effectively.
“FlowSong helps them understand their instrument of communication — their body, mind, and voice, and how to use it to make rich, genuine, face-to-face connections with others. The root of successful creating always has been, is, and always will be the ability to develop and maintain healthy relationships.”
As children’s voices are emerging as a valid and rightful force for our future, it’s important that we imbue strong harmony values when they are young…”
Read the full article HERE!